Do you want to conserve special places, protect natural areas, and connect more people to the land?
There are many ways your support permanently protects the places you love in Kansas. Your gift is a simple way to help.
You can donate to the Kansas Land Trust today! We welcome checks mailed to PO Box 508 Lawrence, KS 66044. Or, donate online now! You can also leave a legacy with a planned gift to the Kansas Land Trust. Planned gifts offer you the opportunity to protect Kansas lands while providing you financial flexibility.
The Kansas Land Trust can accept a variety of other gifts. We have a team ready to work with you and your financial advisor so you can have peace of mind knowing you've played a significant role in protecting Kansas for future generations to enjoy!
KLT generates a remarkable return on investment. Averaged over the past 12 years, each donated dollar leverages approximately $24 more dollars. Over the past 35 years, KLT conserved more than $31M of our natural heritage.
As a community-supported organization, the Kansas Land Trust depends on the generosity and commitment of people like you to conserve the land you love across Kansas. Thank you for your interest in supporting the Kansas Land Trust!